Hi-Res at VCFA

A quarter, covered in silver paint, was payment for participants in my offline (conference) version of Mediations on Digital Labor.

I’m sitting in the Burlington airport, awaiting my flight home from a sweet time in Montpelier, Vermont during “Hi-Res.” In opposition to the MFA low-residency program that alumni undergo at VCFA (some from as long ago as 1992!), Hi-Res is the first annual, multidisciplinary alumni conference for VCFA MFA students. In the good company of visual arts grads who presented works such as Ambivalently Yours by (I was going to include her name but remembered how she likes to remain anonymous online…let’s just say a 2012 graduate) and Cards Against Brutality (Kristin Serafini 2014), I presented my recent project Mediations on Digital Labor. MFA grads from the writing programs as well as a spectacular presentation made by Beth Bradfish from the Music Composition MFA program all centered on the theme of advocacy in the arts.

I’m still abuzz from my Vermont experience. VCFA never fails to deliver a sense of belonging, community, and commitment to our practices that fills the soul.

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